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Clinton, MD 20745

"Where We Bring the Church to You"
Reverend Shirley N. Jackson was a member of Victory Church International for 30 years, where she was  mentored by Apostle Carmen Y. Lattimore. She served as Apostle Lattimore's Armour Bearer for 28 years. In February of 2023, while in prayer with a pastor friend, God told Rev. Jackson to start a ministry where we would leave the four walls of the church building. 

In obedience to God she started From House to House Fellowship Ministries, Inc. (FHTHFM), located in Clinton, Maryland.  The ministry was birthed with seven founding members and the Board of Directors, (Phillip Harkins, Sr., Darlene Harkins, Francine Watkins, Monica Marcelli, Patricia Plummer, and Clover Marsh) unanimously resolved to start FHTHFM on May 21, 2023.  The first service was held June 25, 2023 in Clinton, Maryland.  We had our first baptism, visited senior living centers, several homes, and participated in several outreach activities. 

The Vision for From House to House Fellowship Ministries, Inc. is to see people restored, healed and set free in mind, body, and soul. 

Our Mission is to advance the Kingdom of God by sharing the gospel from house to house, by reaching those in need of healing, encouragement, and instruction, and bringing the love of Jesus and the presence of the Lord into their home.

Our core doctrines include the belief that there is only one true God; that God exists and manifested in the form of a Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit); that God is omnipresent and omniscient; and that God is sovereign and holy.  We believe that Jesus is the Son of God who became a man and was sent to earth to save mankind from death and sin. 

We go from house to house to preach the gospel, minister, and fellowship with people who are unable to attend church for various reasons.  We minister healing for mind, body, and soul, and seek to save those who are lost (1 Thessalonians 5:23; Acts 2:42-47, 5:42).

Since starting we have had several Bible studies and intercessory prayer meetings.  We have given out  bookbags full of school supplies to the homeless and we have teamed up with Minister Tony Coles'  outreach ministry, the Prayer Life Line Ministries.